Microstructure, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cu/WC-TiC-Co/GNP Nano-Composites by Powder Metallurgy Technique

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sinai University, Arish, Egypt

2 Faculty of Industry and Energy, East Port Said University of Technology, Egypt


In the present study we have successfully bonded two dissimilar materials: copper metal and ceramic WC-TiC-Co/GNP. It was prepared by mixing 10 wt. In the case of WC-TiC-Co with different contents graphene, as reported in our previous studies [45], we prepared a kind volume fraction sample: (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 wt. %) then had copper coating with electro-less precipitation method, generating five samples. Following this, Cu/WC-TiC-Co/GNP nano-composites were compressed at 900 MPa and sintered in a pure hydrogen atmosphere for 150 minutes at the temperature of 1000°C. The study examined many factors of these composites such as the relative density, microstructure, hardness and electrical/thermal properties. Thus, the density was found to decrease, showing an inverse relation with relative content of GNS in composites. Nevertheless, different from this situation the hardness, electrical and thermal conductivity increased as the graphene content reaches to 10 wt %. This result shows that the nano-composites prepared by introducing graphene into Cu/WC-TiC-Co matrix have high mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. The microstructural analysis revealed the distribution and interfacial bonding of graphene within the matrix, shedding light on the mechanisms underlying the observed property improvements. Through this detailed study, the design and enhancement of new nano-composite materials for different uses in electronics, aerospace, automotive, among others is well provided in the study.


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